Friday, June 26, 2009


To all the people who knew Joel Chung you knew he was a caring person and he always did what was right in the eyes of the lord... he was a brother... a friend... a mentor... a servant of god... we love you joe... god bless

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

how do you let her go??

the one you love hurts you... she makes you feel like she ripped your heart out and threw it on the ground and watched it shatter... but you love her and forgive her.. then she does it again.. and again.. and again.. and the only reason why you let it happen is because you love her and you want to make it work.. how do you let go of those feelings so you wont get hurt again??

would u forgive her or forget her??

your with a girl... you fall in love wit her and you start to think she's the one... then she says she wants a break.. she promises you that she won't do anything with another guy.. that same night she calls you tellin you that she had sex with another guy... what would you do??